63 research outputs found

    A Zugunruhe Data Collection System Using Passive Infrared Sensors

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    When engineers and biologists work together, there is a lot to learn on both sides. For instance, our work introduced us to zugunruhe, which is a German word that means “unrest”. It is used in the context of migratory birds, as they become restless at night, inside their cages, during their migratory period. When does zugunruhe start? It usually starts when the weather becomes cold and the days shorter, but it varies for different bird species. Moreover, global warming has caused changes in zungunruhe’s timing, which made it even harder to predict. Another question is about genetics: is there a specific gene or a group of genes that cause birds to migrate? To help scientists answer questions related to zugunruhe and the genes underlying migratory behavior, this paper presents the design and implementation of a zugunruhe data collection system to study the Swainson’s thrush, a migratory songbird that breeds in North America. Our goal is to share how custom-off-the-shelf (COTS) devices and existing technologies were used in this project, such as passive infrared motion sensors, telecom cables, custom printed circuit boards (PCB) and a data acquisition system using LabView software. All these were combined to monitor bird movements. We also discuss how the learned lessons from our first winter of data collection, in which we monitored 30 bird cages, led to improvements to scale the system to support the monitoring of 60 birds in the second year. Samples of the collected data are presented to show that the system works, which was validated by comparing our data with the images obtained using an infrared camera. Some of the challenges on maintaining the system are also discussed. Moreover, this paper provides an example of an interdisciplinary, applied research project that is still on-going, and it was created by a group of undergraduate students. We hope it can inspire other researchers and undergraduate students to get involved in interdisciplinary research

    Estrategia para el incremento de la rentabilidad mediante el análisis del costo-volumen-utilidad en la empresa Huanchaco Hostal S. R. L. Trujillo 2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar una estrategia para el incremento de la rentabilidad mediante el análisis costos – volumen – utilidad en la empresa Huanchaco Hostal SRL con el fin de mejorar sus resultados económicos. El diseño de la investigación es no experimental, de tipo descriptivo propositivo, debido a que la estrategia propuesta se basa en el análisis realizado. La muestra seleccionada fueron los reportes, documentos, comprobantes y otros relacionados a los ingresos, costos, gastos, utilidades de la empresa en los meses de enero, febrero y marzo del año 2021. Se utilizó las técnicas de la entrevista y el análisis documental, para recolectar la información de los ingresos, costos y gastos del negocio. Los resultados obtenidos mediante el análisis, determinó que los costos variables son bastante bajos en comparación con el precio de venta por servicio. Los costos fijos, en cambio, son bastante elevados y son asumidos así haya venta de servicios o no, por lo que la estrategia planteada propone maximizar las ventas a través de una reducción considerable en los precios, aplicando ésta en época de temporada baja

    Análisis del costo-volumen-utilidad y la determinación de estrategias para incrementar la rentabilidad de la empresa Huanchaco Hostal S.R.L. Trujillo, 2018. Revisión de la literatura

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    RESUMEN EL presente artículo de investigación trata acerca de la revisión de la literatura el cual tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática de las características de los artículos científicos publicados en revistas sobre el análisis del costo-volumen-utilidad y la determinación de estrategias para incrementar la rentabilidad en la empresa Huanchaco Hostal S.R.Ltda. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos Scielo, Latindex, Redalyc, Scopus, PubMed ; donde se extrajo información importante acerca del tema de investigación y también a través de Google, utilizando combinación de palabras que ayuden al desarrollo de este trabajo con la finalidad de dar a conocer acerca del costo- volumen y la rentabilidad en la empresas, además se obtuvo información de 14 artículos relacionados al tema de investigación; con la finalidad de obtener información relevante y oportuna que se relacione al tema investigado. PALABRAS CLAVES: Costo, Volumen, Utilidad, Revisión de la Literatura

    Trace elements in environmental matrices in the upper basin of the River Luján, Buenos Aires

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    En este trabajo se estudió el contenido de metales traza en muestras de agua superficial, suelo y vegetales en la cuenca alta del río Luján, provincia de Buenos Aires. En el agua, se detectó la presencia de As (< 10 – 115 μg.L-1) y de Cr (<10 a 26000 μg.L-1). En este último caso, los mayores niveles concuerdan con un canal de descarga de efluentes hacia el río que superaron los valores guía para diferentes usos. En función de estos resultados se analizó el contenido de elementos traza en suelo y vegetación en zonas vecinas al canal y a lo largo del curso del río donde se tomaron las muestras de agua. En el suelo, se observaron niveles de As entre 4.7 y 11.7 μg.g-1, Cu entre 10 y 230 μg.g-1, Zn entre 28 y 311 μg.g-1 y Cr entre 5.5 y 488 μg.g-1. Las concentraciones de Cr en el suelo de la zona del canal de efluentes (promedio: 230 μg.g-1), fueron significativamente superiores a las obtenidas en zonas alejadas de este punto (6 μg.g-1– 63.9 μg.g-1). Esto evidencia la contaminación sufrida en esta matriz debida a las aguas residuales vertidas por el canal. Para el estudio de vegetación, se colectaron especies de pasto natural en la vera del canal de efluentes. Se detectó la presencia de Cu (10 μg.g-1 – 53 μg.g-1), Zn (13 μg.g-1– 84 μg.g-1), Fe (820 μg.g-1– 3125 μg.g-1) y Cr (16 μg.g-1– 782 μg.g-1). Se observó un incremento de las concentraciones de estos metales en el punto de descarga del canal. En vegetales, la concentración de Cr fue más alta que en el suelo, indicando la bioacumulación de este metal en las especies estudiadas. Es importante destacar que el canal de efluentes atraviesa una zona dedicada a la cría de ganado bovino, constituyéndose en un posible factor de exposición al Cr a través del agua de bebida o del alimento.Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevide

    RP11-362K2.2:RP11-767I20.1 Genetic Variation Is Associated with Post-Reperfusion Therapy Parenchymal Hematoma. A GWAS Meta-Analysis

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    Transformació hemorràgica; Hematoma parenquimàtic; Variants d'un sol nucleòtidTransformación hemorrágica; Hematoma parenquimatoso; Variantes de un solo nucleótidoHemorrhagic transformation; Parenchymal hematoma; Single nucleotide variantsStroke is one of the most common causes of death and disability. Reperfusion therapies are the only treatment available during the acute phase of stroke. Due to recent clinical trials, these therapies may increase their frequency of use by extending the time-window administration, which may lead to an increase in complications such as hemorrhagic transformation, with parenchymal hematoma (PH) being the more severe subtype, associated with higher mortality and disability rates. Our aim was to find genetic risk factors associated with PH, as that could provide molecular targets/pathways for their prevention/treatment and study its genetic correlations to find traits sharing genetic background. We performed a GWAS and meta-analysis, following standard quality controls and association analysis (fastGWAS), adjusting age, NIHSS, and principal components. FUMA was used to annotate, prioritize, visualize, and interpret the meta-analysis results. The total number of patients in the meta-analysis was 2034 (216 cases and 1818 controls). We found rs79770152 having a genome-wide significant association (beta 0.09, p-value 3.90 × 10−8) located in the RP11-362K2.2:RP11-767I20.1 gene and a suggestive variant (rs13297983: beta 0.07, p-value 6.10 × 10−8) located in PCSK5 associated with PH occurrence. The genetic correlation showed a shared genetic background of PH with Alzheimer’s disease and white matter hyperintensities. In addition, genes containing the ten most significant associations have been related to aggregated amyloid-β, tau protein, white matter microstructure, inflammation, and matrix metalloproteinases.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI 11/0176), Generación Project, Maestro Project (PI18/01338), INVICTUS+ network, Epigenesis Project (Marató de TV3), FEDER funds. E. Muiño is supported by a Río Hortega Contract (CM18/00198) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. J. Cárcel-Márquez is supported by an AGAUR Contract (agència de gestió d’ajuts universitaris i de recerca; FI_DGR 2020, grant number 2020FI_B1 00157) co-financed with Fons Social Europeu (FSE). C. Gallego-Fabrega is supported by a Sara Borrell Contract (CD20/00043) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ISCIII-FEDER). M. Lledós is supported by a PFIS Contract (Contratos Predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en Salud) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. I (FI19/00309). Fernández-Cadenas (CP12/03298), Tomás Sobrino (CPII17/00027), and Francisco Campos (CPII19/00020) are supported by a research contract from Miguel Servet Program from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Plan de negocios para una empresa de servicios de cuidado y atenci?n integral de infantes en Lima Metropolitana

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    La tesis es un plan de negocios para la puesta en marcha de una cuna guarder?a que atender? a ni?os entre los tres meses y cinco a?os de edad en la zona siete de Lima Metropolitana. La cuna atender? en horario matutino a los ni?os de hasta tres a?os de edad, otorgando una serie de servicios como atenci?n m?dica, psicol?gica, alimentaci?n, recojo, entre otros. Por su parte, la guarder?a atender? en horario de la tarde a ni?os de hasta cinco a?os de edad que salen de sus colegios. La propuesta de valor de este negocio, que llevar? como nombre Little Play, radicar? no s?lo en los servicios mencionados, residir? tambi?n en la calidad de atenci?n y en la confianza que se debe obtener de los padres a fin de lograr el ?xito esperado. Para obtener esta confianza, las principales acciones a tomar ser?n el uso de un sistema de c?maras a fin de que los padres puedan observar en tiempo real todas las actividades de sus hijos mientras se encuentran en las instalaciones del local y la segunda acci?n reside en contar con el mejor equipo humano disponible con experiencia y competencias en el cuidado y trato a los ni?os de esa edad

    Phase 1 Safety and Immunogenicity Evaluation of ADMVA, a Multigenic, Modified Vaccinia Ankara-HIV-1 B'/C Candidate Vaccine

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    in a modified vaccinia Ankara viral vector. Sequences were derived from a prevalent circulating HIV-1 recombinant form in Yunnan, China, an area of high HIV incidence. The objective was to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of ADMVA in human volunteers.. Two volunteers mounted antibodies that were able to neutralize clade-matched viruses.ADMVA was well-tolerated and elicited durable humoral and cellular immune responses

    Brain Health Services: organization, structure, and challenges for implementation. A user manual for Brain Health Services—part 1 of 6

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    Dementia has a devastating impact on the quality of life of patients and families and comes with a huge cost to society. Dementia prevention is considered a public health priority by the World Health Organization. Delaying the onset of dementia by treating associated risk factors will bring huge individual and societal benefit. Empirical evidence suggests that, in higher-income countries, dementia incidence is decreasing as a result of healthier lifestyles. This observation supports the notion that preventing dementia is possible and that a certain degree of prevention is already in action. Further reduction of dementia incidence through deliberate prevention plans is needed to counteract its growing prevalence due to increasing life expectancy. An increasing number of individuals with normal cognitive performance seek help in the current memory clinics asking an evaluation of their dementia risk, preventive interventions, or interventions to ameliorate their cognitive performance. Consistent evidence suggests that some of these individuals are indeed at increased risk of dementia. This new health demand asks for a shift of target population, from patients with cognitive impairment to worried but cognitively unimpaired individuals. However, current memory clinics do not have the programs and protocols in place to deal with this new population. We envision the development of new services, henceforth called Brain Health Services, devoted to respond to demands from cognitively unimpaired individuals concerned about their risk of dementia. The missions of Brain Health Services will be (i) dementia risk profiling, (ii) dementia risk communication, (iii) dementia risk reduction, and (iv) cognitive enhancement. In this paper, we present the organizational and structural challenges associated with the set-up of Brain Health Services

    Single nucleotide variations in ZBTB46 are associated with post-thrombolytic parenchymal haematoma

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    Haemorrhagic transformation is a complication of recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator treatment. The most severe form, parenchymal haematoma, can result in neurological deterioration, disability, and death. Our objective was to identify single nucleotide variations associated with a risk of parenchymal haematoma following thrombolytic therapy in patients with acute ischaemic stroke. A fixed-effect genome-wide meta-analysis was performed combining two-stage genome-wide association studies (n = 1904). The discovery stage (three cohorts) comprised 1324 ischaemic stroke individuals, 5.4% of whom had a parenchymal haematoma. Genetic variants yielding a P-value < 0.05 1 x 10(-5) were analysed in the validation stage (six cohorts), formed by 580 ischaemic stroke patients with 12.1% haemorrhagic events. All participants received recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator; cases were parenchymal haematoma type 1 or 2 as defined by the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study (ECASS) criteria. Genome-wide significant findings (P < 5 x 10(-8)) were characterized by in silica functional annotation, gene expression, and DNA regulatory elements. We analysed 7 989 272 single nucleotide polymorphisms and identified a genome-wide association locus on chromosome 20 in the discovery cohort; functional annotation indicated that the ZBTB46 gene was driving the association for chromosome 20. The top single nucleotide polymorphism was rs76484331 in the ZBTB46 gene [P = 2.49 x 10(-8); odds ratio (OR): 11.21; 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.82-26.55]. In the replication cohort (n = 580), the rs76484331 polymorphism was associated with parenchymal haematoma (P = 0.01), and the overall association after meta-analysis increased (P = 1.61 x 10(-8), OR: 5.84; 95% CI: 3.16-10.76). ZBTB46 codes the zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 46 that acts as a transcription factor. In silica studies indicated that ZBTB46 is expressed in brain tissue by neurons and endothelial cells. Moreover, rs76484331 interacts with the promoter sites located at 20q13. In conclusion, we identified single nucleotide variants in the ZBTB46 gene associated with a higher risk of parenchymal haematoma following recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator treatment.Peer reviewe

    In Vivo Electroporation Enhances the Immunogenicity of an HIV-1 DNA Vaccine Candidate in Healthy Volunteers

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    DNA-based vaccines have been safe but weakly immunogenic in humans to date.We sought to determine the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of ADVAX, a multigenic HIV-1 DNA vaccine candidate, injected intramuscularly by in vivo electroporation (EP) in a Phase-1, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial in healthy volunteers. Eight volunteers each received 0.2 mg, 1 mg, or 4 mg ADVAX or saline placebo via EP, or 4 mg ADVAX via standard intramuscular injection at weeks 0 and 8. A third vaccination was administered to eleven volunteers at week 36. EP was safe, well-tolerated and considered acceptable for a prophylactic vaccine. EP delivery of ADVAX increased the magnitude of HIV-1-specific cell mediated immunity by up to 70-fold over IM injection, as measured by gamma interferon ELISpot. The number of antigens to which the response was detected improved with EP and increasing dosage. Intracellular cytokine staining analysis of ELISpot responders revealed both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses, with co-secretion of multiple cytokines.This is the first demonstration in healthy volunteers that EP is safe, tolerable, and effective in improving the magnitude, breadth and durability of cellular immune responses to a DNA vaccine candidate.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00545987